Monday, March 16, 2020

Face Down On The Ground essays

Face Down On The Ground essays Throw me into the hands of angry sinners. Has not every man felt thrown into reprobate hands? Father I beg of you...take the cup of suffering away from me. Ive been wallowing in my own olive garden, counting the tears that stream down my face. Ive been weeping over my losses and the tribulations I must face. What a glorious depiction of such agony. This is truly a beautiful painting of horror and distress, an inaccurate illustration of a man conjured to be a new man over time. This man crushed with such an amount of grief that he would rather die, but yet a man claiming honors that belong properly only to God himself. Is this the only solution for sin? Is this the messiah inaccurately portrayed on his knees peacefully praying? It is too easy to relate to such a Godly figure. Give me back the worldly possessions I have lost. Give me back my bride. Here I lay face down on my olive garden trying to rise to my knees. Stay awake and watch with me even one hour, Christ begs. Dont leave me here alone to decay, I plead. Miracles climaxed in His own bodily resurrection just after the agony suffered in the garden. I count my tears one by one. I count five hundred and thirty one tears. Ive been thrown into emptiness and solitude just as Christ was. Ive been on my face demanding a way out. My soul has been crushed with grief to the point of death. If the definition of being Christian is being Christ-like than I have never been more Christian. Such a photo as this is a mockery of the elementary descriptions outlined in the New Testament of the Bible: Jesus began to be filled with horror and deep distress. He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and watch with me." He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground. "Everything is possible for you, Lord. Please take this...